Help your family make healthy choices together.
As the decision maker in your household, you play an important role in guiding your family to build healthy habits. Use these tips, resources and tools to help you along the way.

Mealtime Tips
Enjoy a meal together with your family. It is a great way to connect and share. Here are some mealtime ideas to try:
- Turn off the TV and ask the family to place their phones in a “parking spot” away from the table.
- Have everyone share what they did during the day. Ask what made you laugh or what you did for fun?
- Try new foods at home. Kids need many chances to taste a new foods to “get used to them.”
- Have adults and older kids talk about the color, feel, and flavor of foods. It will make them sound more appealing to younger kids who may be picky.
- On nice days, try a change of scenery. For example, go to a nearby park for a picnic.

Healthy Eating on a Budget